gli standard umanitari per fornire aiuto in situazioni di disastro o di conflitto
The Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSPapp) is designed for field practitioners providing humanitarian aid in disaster or conflict situations. nnIt provides access to the Humanitarian Charter, Protection Principles, Core Humanitarian Standard and standards for the following key areas of humanitarian response: nn• water supply, hygiene and sanitation; n• shelter and non-food items; n• food security and nutrition, n• health action; n• child protection; n• education; n• livestock management; n• market analysis; andn• economic recovery.nnAll content is available in English, with some standards also available in French and Spanish; other languages will be added progressively. The HSPapp works on- and off-line and is available for free. nnThe HSPapp is a product jointly developed by the Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP), whose members are:nn• Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance);n• Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP);n• Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE); n• Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Project;n• Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) Network; andn• Sphere.nnFounded on humanitarian principles and human rights, humanitarian standards help practitioners turn principles into action. Humanitarian standards outline what help and protection crisis-affected populations are entitled to, and uphold their right to life with dignity. Developed by thousands of experts globally and based on evidence, experience and learning, they are among the most recognised statements of accountability in humanitarian work.nnThe Humanitarian Standards Partnership includes:nhttps://alliancecpha.orgnhttp://www.cashlearning.orgn